Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First day...

The first day of the New Year is here. And gone. Elliott was off today and we planned on a nice day at home. The weather being cold, for Texas anyway, kept us tucked away inside our cozy, warm house. Since we allowed the children to stay up until midnight to enjoy the fireworks for New Year's Eve, our day started after 10am with the last of the children trickling in. And that pretty much set the tone for the whole day, relaxed and laid back.

The children were enjoying time spent in different diversions: LEGO, chess, crochet, knitting, marble runs, Playmobil, "camping" in the garage. I caught up on laundry, worked on a plumbing disaster and finally finished addressing the Christmas cards. Elliott played with the children, cooked and helped clean the kitchen.

The day was lovely. I was thankful for the pace, and despite unexpected distractions, I was also thankful for some productive things we were able to squeeze in: putting up a sewing desk, moving the red chair back to the living room, moving the rocking chair back into our bedroom. We had family devotions in the evening, and caught up on some read aloud time as we got close to finishing The Long Winter.

Tomorrow morning I will be seeking the children's forgiveness, as right at bedtime, when I saw the lack of cleaning done following the fun play of the day, I spoke harshly and impatiently about their messes. I keep trying so hard to not lose it, I desire to more like Mary Poppins during "cleaning up the nursery" than Attila the Hun conquering a new land, but today I failed. Sometimes I grieve because I feel like I fail so much, I grow discouraged by how often I fail to speak kindly or cringe at how quick I am with sarcasm.

So, if there is anything I am praying for in 2013, it is this, that I would be more conformed to the image of Christ, especially in regards to my conversations and responses in my home and with my family. I am praying that I will be quick to hear and slow to speak, that I would do better at speaking a soft word to turn away wrath and have less harsh words which stir up anger in my children's hearts. And that I will remember to count it all joy, even the mundane, perhaps especially the mundane, seeing God's mighty hand of blessings moment by moment.

What are you praying for in 2013?


  1. this is good. I'm contemplating what deeper thought I want to be my new years thought for the year--I need an overarching theme, not lists of details I want to accomplish. this is a good one. :)

    1. I look forward to reading about whatever you decide your 2013 focus will be... it was nice to see you reappear in blogland the other day... :)
