Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Considering the future...

The end of one school year always, without fail, catapults me into thinking about the next school year. To date, I have already ordered all my curriculum and books for the 2011-2012 School year. I am excited. And the excitement grows each time the UPS guy rings the doorbell with a delivery or Elliott brings in the mail for the day and boxes await my opening!

However, I am challenged to think about my level of excitement. Am I just as excited to wake early to spend time in God's Word. Do I willingly set aside time of Facebook or email or reading for personal enjoyment to make sure I have studied and thoughtfully completed my Bible Study, in advance of the meeting, not simply cram the night before? Have I been seeking out God's Word as it related to my challenges and struggles, finding instead opportunities to apply the Word of Truth to my daily life?

So, as I consider the future, not just of our coming school year, but also my personal striving towards godliness, I am thankful to be reminded that my greatest excitement should be focused on the Lord and all He has done. The joy of my salvation should direct me to make choices which place reading and studying God's Word, as well as prayer and application of His Word to my life, as the highest of priorities. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember those book deliveries (I can still smell the new book smell!)
    your worthy pursuit is well expressed, Denise; I will pray for you as I pray for my own spiritual discipline
