Monday, July 9, 2012

Off to a good start...

Today was the first day of lessons for our clan, kicking off the 2012-2013 school year in our home school. We have been moving towards "summer school" for the past few years as we would rather retreat indoors during the crazy hot Texas summer days, saving our days off for the lovely fall days and fresh spring months. We are totally revamping things around here as well, moving the older two to be more independent, freeing me up to spend some time with the youngers.

92. Waking up early enough for a long and refreshing time in God's Word
93. Getting my act together enough to have coffee before 7am
94. Children waking up, happy to do chores and start on the day
95. The start of new routines and reestablishing family Bible memory verses
96. School uniforms that the kids enjoy
97. A morning walk with our dogs to break up the lessons this morning
98. Being finished with lesson before noon and getting to go to the park for a picnic lunch with neighbors

Day two tomorrow...

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