Monday, July 30, 2012

Every four years...

I am not a huge fan of television. When I do turn it on, I feel like I spent more than half my time covering my eyes and waiting for undesirable commercials to pass than I do watching whatever it was I turned it on for. We don't really keep up with sports either, I never know what sport is even playing until the unavoidable hype of the finals arrives.

 But every four years, there is something about the Olympics... Maybe it is remembering how I learned how to do a front handspring in my front yard after wishing I could be Mary Lou doing the floor exercise in gymnastics. Or was it my courage to try a flip off of the diving board at my neighborhood pool after watching the amazing (yet dizzying) dives from the high board... Being inspired to swim harder at my next team practice, and wondering, "could I ever be good enough for the Olympics?" In high school, I remember being glued to the TV watching Women's Volleyball, trying to improve my game by observing the best of the best in the world, thinking "Maybe that could be me..."

 As an adult, I still love the games, though all illusions of being an Olympian have passed. I recognize what a sacrifice those families made to see their child rise to that level of competition; the hours of practice, the monetary sacrifice, the giving away of childhood simplicity in exchange for that hope of glory. The next two weeks I imagine the kids and I will cuddle up to watch the athletes try to secure gold medals for Team USA. I hope the children become inspired by the stories of the athletes, their drive and determination and relentless hard work. We've already had conversations about pride and humility, sacrifice and courage. I have enjoyed having a good reason to turn on the TV, even if it only comes once every four years.

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