Monday, January 9, 2012

Pondering slowing down...

Full speed ahead. That is how we have been running our homeschool... finish "XYZ" boxes each day... check, check, check... shuffle kids in and out for age appropriate lessons... check, check, check...

We have some schedule changes to adjust to. We had a helper for the littles in the fall and this spring are trying things back to just us. The olders need to self motivate more, the youngers need to destroy less, and the middles need to help in learning to entertain the littles for short bursts of time.

I am wondering if we should slow down and dive deeper?
I am pondering combining lessons for all, beefing up for olders?
I am just thinking a lot... call it mid-year evaluations following a complete flop of a homeschooling day.

Some things I know... I love learning with my children. I love seeing their skills develop and their love of learning grow. I love that they miss school when we take breaks. I don't love constantly being on them to get back on task. I could do without the self-imposed guilt of "are we doing enough?!?!?!" I would like to see us move to finishing school before Elliott comes home, and for us to find daily time for handicrafts. (By the way, if you know of any profitable boy handicrafts, let me know... Noah is asking to learn knitting or crocheting but if there is a more masculine alternative I am happy to add that instead.)

Just thinking... and being thankful that tomorrow is a new day, full of new mercy, grace and opportunities to grow in the likeness of Christ, my Savior!

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