Monday, December 19, 2011

In Africa, we love the Lord...

In Uganda, we love the King...

That was the opening line to a song sung by a children's choir from Uganda that our family became acquainted with 8 years ago. We all still sing it. We even try to emulate the accent of the kids.We end up sounding pretty silly.

Today at church one of our missionaries was sharing about their ministry in Uganda. It is not related at all to the children's choir, other than being from the same country. The stories that Shannon Hurley related ( made us laugh (you never really think about how blessed you are to have a toilet until you hear that someone else has to dig a thirty-foot deep hole to hover over), made us cry (when he related the struggle of a young man who was alcoholic and suicidal, yet came to a saving knowledge of the truth and has experienced a transformed life), we were challenged to step out in faith (sacrificially giving or potentially, literally, onto an airplane to Uganda in the summer of 2013).

This morning, Shannon taught from Hebrews 12:1-3. More than once, in his very energetic and passionate style, Shannon encouraged us to RUN the race set before us. He taught us about our needed preparation - setting aside every encumbrance or weight (what is slowing me down...) as well as getting rid of the sin that so easily entangles us (and it is sad how easily I am entangled). Shannon encouraged us that we need to start the race, once prepared, and be focused on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, encouraged by those who have gone before us, but refusing to look up and be distracted by the temptations of this world. The race is not a sprint, it is more like a cross-country, all-terrain marathon, it will not be easy, but we cannot give up.

I have been pondering all afternoon... how can I run? What weights do I need to cast aside? What sin is acting like a yoke, dragging me down? How can I do a better job of building relationships purposefully with the intention of showering them with the good news of the Gospel? Am I prepared to be called into service of the Lord "in season and out of season", in H.E.B. or Costco? Does the light of Christ show to those around me? What would my children say?

I am thankful that the Lord gave Shannon a heart for the people of Uganda. I am thankful that the Lord caused our pastor to cross paths with him and go to Uganda to help with a pastor's conference. I am thankful that Shannon and his family chose to spend this weekend with our church, encouraging and building us up, challenging and convicting the saints to RUN!

Oh, that I might have such a heart to see the lost in my neighborhood and pursue them with the Gospel. Oh, that I might even more, recognize the spiritual needs of my children, instead of being consumed by their physical needs or the care of my home. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your Word going out, being proclaimed boldly and without apology!

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