Thursday, June 6, 2013

Breaking bad habits...

I don't know exactly when it happened, but somewhere along the way, my daily quiet times with the Lord disappeared. It has grieved me and I have tried to be creative - doing them during the day (but I don't concentrate well in the hubbub of the day), or sneaking into the bathroom (but someone always finds me), even having them at night (but my brain is too foggy). I keep coming back to needing to wake up before the kids, and early enough to get ready for the day (this is way harder than it sounds for a night owl type momma like me).

I have also discerned a bad habit that has become a stumbling block to the efficiency of my morning routine. First thing in the morning (before even rolling out of bed), I grab my phone and check my mail. I usually intend to get my Bible and read, but before I know it, I get carried away with responding to emails and checking blogs. I have tried telling myself "no phone before Bible" but I end up mechanically reading my Bible just to get to where I can not feel guilty about checking my email. 

So, knowing the power of God's Word to convict, I am taking a different path. No rules for myself, but instead, giving myself a visual. I am laying my Bible on top of my phone. I won't be able to look at my phone without having to move my Bible. I will let you know how it goes...

What do you do to help you prioritize God's Word amidst daily distractions?

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