Thursday, September 26, 2013

So thankful...

I am so appreciative of all the notes and calls and texts I have gotten this week, it has been a treasure to my heart in the midst of this trial. Monday I got a call about some blood test results that could mean nothing or could have meant the first of many tests and a potential chronic and debilitating diagnosis. Since I knew worry could add nothing to the situation, I submitted to additional tests and just waited to hear. In the mean time, I moved along with life, a household of six children, three dogs and two rabbits affords quite the opportunity for distraction. :)

I did share some of the "what if" possibilities with a couple of friends and they prayed for me. A peace and a calm that could not be explained was with me all week, I am continually reminded of the beauty of Christ's Church and thankful for the place God has me. During the days of waiting, I was trying some of the things the doctors told me to do, and a small amount of relief was being achieved. In the middle of gymnastics and martial arts classes for the kids on Wednesday evening, I got the call about the second round of blood work. Totally normal. No sign of the "scary" diagnosis. Praise the Lord! There was no real explanation either, so, I am currently chalking up this bout of physical pain to my soon being closer to 40 than I am to 30.

While physical pain has been a near constant companion the last few years, I am gaining a better perspective. I can relate to Paul's thorn in the flesh, I personally know how my inability to "do what I used to do" motivates me to look to the Lord to complete what is lacking in me. God promises in James 1:2-4 that trials are for our good, to strengthen our faith and grow in us endurance and in Romans 8:28-29 we see how all things are being used to conform us into Christ's image. I am thankful for God not just giving up on this proud, self-important sinner. I am thankful for His mercies, new every morning to walk in the good works already planned for me.

And I know God isn't finished yet, proved so clearly by my flipping out over the messy upstairs when I went to put the kids to bed last night... proof of my flesh still raging, proof that when I take my eyes off Jesus, I sink as fast as Peter did. Oh, that the Lord would choose to return soon. The no tears and no pain of heaven sounds so amazingly good! :)

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