Sunday, October 7, 2012

When the prodigal comes home...

The blog has been silent this week, though I had planned to post a series of blogs on the joy of the Lord. And as man plans his steps, I recognize that is it God who truly directs our paths. This week, the Lord saw fit to take my father-in-law, James, home. He passed away quietly in the middle of the night, in the moments welcoming Thursday to begin, James took his last breath with his wife of 40 years and myself at his side.

These last few days have been so full, rejoicing and experiencing grief, planning and making calls, changing schedules and be touched by the love of sisters and brothers in Christ. Tonight was the viewing, where at least a hundred people came to reminisce and share their condolences. I know it was a comfort to my mother-in-law and the whole family to see the stream of people who were touched by the life of James.

And then he walked in. The prodigal. Elliott's brother who has been in and out of prison and jail and out of touch for most of the last twenty years. He never came and saw his dad while he was sick, even though he knew. He and James did exchange letters once during this whole ordeal, an extension of forgiveness. No one had called him, but he was there.

The moment he was spotted, the family flocked to him. Hugs from all sides, hearty handshakes, and welcoming, thankful comments as he was reacquainted with family he hasn't seen in decades. It was beautiful to behold, knowing that God's love shown through His people can turn a heart of stone into a heart of flesh, a picture of the forgiveness of Christ clearly demonstrated.

Tomorrow is the funeral, Aaron says he is coming. We are already praying, as Elliott is sharing the Gospel as a part of the eulogy. We know that God saves people through the hearing of His Word, what a more blessed thing I cannot imagine, but to see James' firstborn son come to a saving knowledge of the truth and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a wonder it would be indeed!

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