Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall leaves and handsewing...

Our little co-op of sorts keeps meeting each week, the children are so very patient with me, and I love watching my littles enjoy their friends and learn useful skills at the same time. This week we were sharing a handicraft to make a fall leaf garland, just in time for the weather to dip into the 50's at night and 70's in the daytime.

I worked all week to cut out all the little darling leaves in a variety of fall inspired colors, finally having to call in a friend to help me finish before my 19 students converged at 10am on Friday.

Here were all of our tools for the day - felt, scissors, yarn, large eyed needle.
I was too busy rethreading yarn onto needles, or helping kids get untangled, or assisting the littlest of the group to take any pictures during the process... but it was a great time, everyone finished one full garland section of ten leaves and took a second one home to continue practicing the straight stitch (age span from 3yo to nearly 11yo).

Not wanting to forget and allow spring to come without putting the garlands up on display, I cut the excess yarn and tied them together and up they went.

Up close, you can see the straight stitch employed for this project.
Ten leaves was the perfect number for a nice swag of each section of garland.
Up for all to enjoy - and the children are already making plans for winter, and spring garlands!

Simple, profitable fun. :)

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