Monday, August 15, 2011

A change of plans...

Last week I blogged about our new schedule and my growing excitement over the start of the school year. Our kids were telling their Sunday School teachers about it on Sunday. They shared with their grandparents how they "just couldn't wait". I went school supply shopping with my mom. Twice. All good signs to the start of a new school year.

At a certain point Sunday, I was reminded of Proverbs 16:9
     The heart of man plans his way,
     but the Lord establishes his steps.

So, instead of school today, we went to a doctor appointment, helped a neighbor moving in with some organizing/cleaning, ate lunch, went to the dentist for cleanings for 6 out of the 8 of us, came home and worked on chores, had dinner, and a chat about responsibility and went to bed.

Tomorrow we will try again. A friend of mine mentioned today that she was starting school tomorrow but it would be a day of organizing notebooks, prepping desks, walking through the schedule, and that they would begin "the curriculum" work on Monday. That is sounding really good.  

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