Friday, October 31, 2014

Something about the quiet...

Our house is a buzz of activity all day. There are meals and chores, independent studies, and books strewn about. We have people working on handstands while I read aloud, while others color or do origami. As soon as I am finished reading, there are people to tutor and kids working on their memory work or upcoming audition piece. Piano practice mixes in with guitar practice and there is a glimmer of hope that one day harmonious music will come out of that upstairs multi-use room. Dishes flow in and out of the dishwasher like we were a big time restaurant, and the laundry train chugs along as the day weaves in and out of lessons in math, grammar, spelling and history. 

In the last year or so, I have really been striving to figure out how to fit our real book loving, homeschool family with diverse interests and hobbies into a practical minimalist box. I have purged and purged until I think I actually have more empty plastic bins than full ones. And yet, we still find ourselves buried under the weight of our stuff. And that stuff is almost never in the right place. So, when the piles grow to be overwhelming, I stay up crazy late and attempt to restore order. There is always trash, but more of the time, the piles grow from halfway put away stuff. The better I can keep all horizontal surfaces cleaned off, the quicker I catch people laying things down where they don't belong. 

And so, tonight, I unearthed the kitchen counter. This particular one seems to be the biggest "dump and go" culprit. I also cleared the bar which ranks as number two for kitchen clutter. There is something about a clean counter that makes me smile. 

And then there is our school shelf where we keep our current books and kids' keep their school bins. Let's just say, I need to stay up a little longer. 

I am actually encouraged by the mess and the piles. Why? Because it is proof that I am learning to walk in the Spirit and not be controlled by my perfectionist tendencies. It means I am placing a priority on the people in my life (my family, neighbors, and friends), instead of on my things. I still have a long way to go, I still find myself overwhelmed when things get out of control, but that is when I am so thankful for the quiet of the wee hours...

How do you manage the balance between prioritizing kids and household responsibilities? 


  1. Ah, such a balance...Sometimes it's reading a book to a kid, and then cleaning off one surface...then playing a game with another kid, so on and so forth. I'm having a hard time finding time to read to my kids lately--what with evening activities and such. so we creep along. But then I have sweet convos with my little Julia at bed time worried that she won't go to heaven because she loves me more than Jesus. What a sweet opportunity for a sweet conversation, heart to heart. thankful for a dirty counter tonight too!

    1. Yes, it does feel like a circus-like balancing act. And I am with you, what an amazing reason to have a dirty counter! :) We just finished a chapter of our current bedtime read aloud (which on a good week gets picked up three times because of evening stuff). I hope you can fit in some reading time... Have you ever read "Love That Dog" or "Hate That Cat" to your kids? Both are by Sharon Creech. We love, love, love them. And for a time-squeezed schedule, you can read just a little without the guilt of not finishing a chapter, for it is written like a journal between a student and his teacher.
