Thursday, January 31, 2013

Handicrafts class...

Every week I have a few families over for either art or handicrafts. This week was handicrafts, and for months and months we have been working on hand sewing. The boys have been content to work alongside the girls but I have really wanted to be able to start the girls on their project and split the boys off to do something more manly.

During the Fall we did a different activity every time we met, honing skills but having short projects that the kids could use and keep so they would be enthusiastic about class. However, this Spring I have shifted gears and we are working on a longer project that we will give away. The girls will be working on hand sewing a quilt which we will then turn into a baby blanket to give away to a baby in the NICU (helps to have a dad of some of the students who is a Neonatologist). I read a book about a quiltmaker, The Quiltmaker's Gift, and the girls started working.

The boys were taken to the dining room and we started the first ever manly craft - Paracord Survival Keychains. I had all the boys' attention as I showed them how to measure, cut and burn the ends to prevent unraveling. What boy doesn't love seeing things burn?!?! (Of course, we discussed that children should never play with fire... without a parent close by anyway.) Once each boy had chosen their color, the knotting began. And here was the result...

The girls are begging me to teach them. I told them no. I have really struggled to find handicrafts for the boys. The girls have knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hand sewing, machine sewing, beading, etc. The boys have whittling and now this. I told one near-teary girl that I would show her how to make something like this with hemp and beads, but I am saving the paracord for the boys. I said I would buy pink and purple and let their brothers make them gifts. :)

Each of these can be unraveled and the cord is rated to hold 550lbs of pressure. One of the boys said they were going to ask their dad to fall into a ditch so they could rescue him. Of course, one of my boys wanted to use it for a whip. I vetoed that idea. I was excited that they seemed to enjoy themselves so much. Next time we meet (if I can find the clips) we will be making two-color survival bracelets.